Facebook presented a virtual reality (VR) application – Horizon Workrooms, that allows users to enter virtual space as an avatar and conduct the meetings. VR room is dedicated to 16 speakers and 34 attendees. Company believes that such virtual spaces will add a scene of presence that will positively affect people’s communication processes. 

Seems remote workplaces will last for the next several years and will be part of our new normal in future as well.

According to Facebook they are considering the company as a metavers (i.e. meta-universe) that will aggregate several programs to help build augmented and virtual spaces where users will be able to communicate virtually. 

Metavers is considered to be future of the internet we know, where people will interact virtually being at the same time in virtual and physical reality.

Horizon Workrooms are part of the futuristic metavers and were tested internally within Facebook for 6 month already.